Sunday, August 21, 2016

Marks in Time CCG

I'll be updating the card checklist soon with some new Maud-related cards part of Enterplay's My Little Pony Collectible Card Game expansion-thingy "Marks in Time". Here they all are:

- #18 / "Holder's Boulder, Key Stone" / Friend

The text on this one says "Limestone Pie doesn't like to talk about it, but when she was just a little filly she used to call Holder's Boulder her pet rock. Maud Pie always looked up to her big sisters, and that's part of why she ended up adopting her own Boulder as a pet!" I don't remember knowing that Limestone was older, and combining the knowledge that Pinkie Pie is younger than Maud and that the card says the plural "sisters", we now know that both Limestone and Marble are older than Maud -- the "Maud's Family" page has been updated too.

- #20 / "Maud Pie, Just a Pebble" / Friend

This card shows Maud as she appeared in the episode "Pinkie Pride", and says "Maud Pie still smiles a lot, just mostly on the inside."

- #125 / "Falling Rock Zone" / Problem

This shows the alternate reality version of Maud seen in the episode "The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1", and says "Equestria's Rock Troopers shocked the Crystal Empire with their effectiveness."

- #133 / "Trading Traditions" / Problem

This one shows the whole core of the Pie family.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

"The Gift of Maud Pie" Book Cover Revealed

The cover to the Maud book I've mentioned before, "My Little Pony: The Gift of Maud Pie", is now up to see. As a reminder, the book's coming out October 4, 2016.

I also regret to say that I have some bad news: due to the decline-in-quality/shift-in-direction that My Little Pony Friendship is Magic has made in recent seasons, I've now stopped watching the show completely. I'd been increasingly disappointed with the show, but after seeing my favorite pony Fluttershy portrayed as an inconsiderate, cruel hypocrite in the season 6 episode “Flutter Brutter”, I just couldn't justify why I was even watching the show anymore. So that means if Maud makes any upcoming cameo appearances, I might either miss it or just drift away from even caring to post about it. Sorry, but don't blame me -- blame Hasbro or the Pony fans who warped the writers' minds or someone like that.