Sunday, August 21, 2016

Marks in Time CCG

I'll be updating the card checklist soon with some new Maud-related cards part of Enterplay's My Little Pony Collectible Card Game expansion-thingy "Marks in Time". Here they all are:

- #18 / "Holder's Boulder, Key Stone" / Friend

The text on this one says "Limestone Pie doesn't like to talk about it, but when she was just a little filly she used to call Holder's Boulder her pet rock. Maud Pie always looked up to her big sisters, and that's part of why she ended up adopting her own Boulder as a pet!" I don't remember knowing that Limestone was older, and combining the knowledge that Pinkie Pie is younger than Maud and that the card says the plural "sisters", we now know that both Limestone and Marble are older than Maud -- the "Maud's Family" page has been updated too.

- #20 / "Maud Pie, Just a Pebble" / Friend

This card shows Maud as she appeared in the episode "Pinkie Pride", and says "Maud Pie still smiles a lot, just mostly on the inside."

- #125 / "Falling Rock Zone" / Problem

This shows the alternate reality version of Maud seen in the episode "The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1", and says "Equestria's Rock Troopers shocked the Crystal Empire with their effectiveness."

- #133 / "Trading Traditions" / Problem

This one shows the whole core of the Pie family.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

"The Gift of Maud Pie" Book Cover Revealed

The cover to the Maud book I've mentioned before, "My Little Pony: The Gift of Maud Pie", is now up to see. As a reminder, the book's coming out October 4, 2016.

I also regret to say that I have some bad news: due to the decline-in-quality/shift-in-direction that My Little Pony Friendship is Magic has made in recent seasons, I've now stopped watching the show completely. I'd been increasingly disappointed with the show, but after seeing my favorite pony Fluttershy portrayed as an inconsiderate, cruel hypocrite in the season 6 episode “Flutter Brutter”, I just couldn't justify why I was even watching the show anymore. So that means if Maud makes any upcoming cameo appearances, I might either miss it or just drift away from even caring to post about it. Sorry, but don't blame me -- blame Hasbro or the Pony fans who warped the writers' minds or someone like that.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Equestrian Friends Card Set

A new set of My Little Pony cards is on its way, which, as you could surely guess, will have Maud cards. The series will be named "Equestrian Friends", and is reported to only be coming to dollar stores. Here are the cards, front and back:

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

MLP Friendship is Magic Comic #37 Appearance

I recently got the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic volume 9 graphic novel (which collects issues 34-37 of the series) and found out that Maud was featured for a panel in issue #37. It was the first panel after a page-turn, so it was quite a surprise for sure. She doesn't say anything and I don't really want to get into specifics about the plot, but summed up, she's manning a party cannon under Pinkie Pie's command in an effort to save the Crystal Empire. Here's a look at her, as drawn by Andy Price:

After getting over the the initial surprise, I noticed that the way she's drawn sorta reminded me of how Mike Norton drew Raven in the original Teen Titans Go comic book (not to be confused with the abominable new Teen Titans Go that stole the old one's name). After checking, I found the resemblance wasn't as close as I had recalled, but I thought I'd mention it anyway since I also wanted to bring up somewhere how the two characters have similar designs; both have purple hair, grey skin/coat, and blue clothes. I hadn't noticed that until recently and was amazed it took me so long since they're two of my favorite characters. Anyways, here's a comparison of the two drawn by the specific artists -- I reversed and rotated the Raven picture some to illustrate my point a bit better:

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Episode 120 Appearance

I feel like Maud's luck has been on a bit of a roller-coaster since the episode "Maud Pie", but with episode 120 of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, the third episode of season six, just airing on April 2nd, I'm glad to say that I liked it a lot and I think it handled Maud's characterization well. Here's the lowdown about it.

Within the first few minutes of "The Gift of the Maud Pie", as the episode is named, we see Pinkie Pie get together with Maud in Manehatten -- the occasion being an event called the Pie Sisters Surprise Swap Day (or P.S.S.S.D. for short), which are three separate days Pinkie spends with one of her sisters that include going on a trip and exchanging gifts at sunset. Manehattan was the chosen destination this year because it's near where Maud's getting her Rocktorate. Rarity's also along for business reasons.

Maud gets her first line in when Pinkie asks Rarity "guess who I see? M! A! U! D! Y'know what that spells?" and Maud replies, "It spells Maud". Just with that line, you can tell the voice acting will be spot on, as the "Maud" is delivered particularly well.

Pinkie feels that Maud always gives the better gifts, so she's hoping to get what she feels would be a gift so perfect for Maud that it'd have to be better -- a rock pouch she can carry Boulder in. Throughout the episode, Pinkie and/or Rarity distract Maud while they make plans and efforts to acquire the pouch -- sometimes Maud gets distracted without their aid, like when she helps Boulder look for a postcard for his cousin. Now we know Boulder has a cousin. Other new things we learn later on include Maud having some ice skating finesse -- nothing super spectacular or anything, but enough to see that she's had some experience at it before -- and also that she has Maud-Sense, like how Pinkie has Pinkie-Sense. This allowed her to locate either a certain pony or a certain item the pony had, though the details weren't very specific.

During another run at keeping Maud occupied, Rarity asks how she first met Boulder, and we're treated to the beginning: "It was a dark and stormy night. Little did I know that my life was about to change forever.", and the end: "...and Boulder's been by my side ever since." At times you can see how uncomfortable and/or bored Rarity gets around Maud, which I like to see because I don't really like Rarity, myself, so if she's going to appear at all, it's nice to see Maud sort of inadvertently get back at her.

The rock pouch plan flops when it's found that the store selling them is closed, so Rarity begins trying to find out what would be a good gift for Pinkie to get her. Upon seeing a large giraffe plush, Rarity subtly asks if Maud could see herself with it, but Maud simply replies, "Only if I had a mirror." This was a great scene, because it's one of those "It tastes like apples" moments that were such a part of her in "Maud Pie". Sure, the rock talk and the expressionlessness are important, too, but they get played up a lot more -- like, this episode also included at least four rock jokes I didn't even mention, and several others playing off her facial expressions or lack thereof.

As Pinkie's feeling bad about the pouch being unattainable, we suddenly hear Maud saying, "Boulder? Boulder? Where'd you run off to?" Finding him, she continues, "There you are. Sure wish I had something to carry you around in." -- a humorous thing to happen, almost in response to Pinkie's predicament. Pinkie eventually manages to get Maud a gift, and when sunset comes, they finally prepare to exchange them, first having to sing the "Pie Sisters Surprise Swap Day Song". This would have had me worried, but the last time Maud "sang", it turned out fine. Pinkie asks if Maud's ready. "As I'll ever be.", she replies. Pinkie starts, "It's the Pie sisters swap day song!" The song then finishes with a single, monotone "Hey" from Maud. Even better than last time. Pinkie gives a gift wrapped in a paper that has little Maud heads decorating it, which would be pretty neat to receive in real life. Maud opens it and only says "Thanks", having Pinkie inform us that that was a very happy response.

Upon seeing the gift Maud gave (cupcake scented confetti), Pinkie says that she'll love it "five-ever", a joke making use of the homophonous words "for" and "four", meaning she'll love it even longer than forever. She goes on to say how she'll really have to step it up next year to get Maud a better gift, but Maud intervenes, saying, "Pinkie. Gift giving isn't a competition, it's an expression of love, and you always make sure to give your gifts with lots of love. That's why I'll always love them -- and you -- five-ever. That's even longer than forever." and then smiles a tiny, little smile.

This episode has so much good stuff in it -- lots of funny moments that actually produce out-loud chuckles and even laughs. I sorta wish I discussed more scenes than I did, but there are just so many different Maud parts that I would practically have just been retelling the whole episode if I did. For the entire duration she's wearing her classic frock/dress, and she never breaks character -- really, my only few complaints about the episode aren't even related to Maud.

I hope Maud continues on this path of greatness she's settled back on, as well as the series as a whole, and I also hope we get to see the Pie Sisters Surprise Swap Days with Limestone and Marble sometime. That'd be cool.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Little Pony Friends Forever Comic #29

Maud will finally be making a significant appearance in one of the My Little Pony comic books. It'll be the 29th issue of the spinoff series My Little Pony Friends Forever planned for June, in which she shares the starring role along with... of course... Rarity (I've said how much I'm sick of Rarity being everywhere, right? And this is right after learning that Rarity will be one of the stars of the next Maud episode).

The issue's plot will revolve around Maud and Rarity both going to a gem convention, and will be written by Ted Anderson. As I go back and skim through which issues he's done, I find that though he's never written any of my favorite issues, I don't think he's written any of my least favorites, either. It should be noted that I haven't read a few of his stories yet, particularly (since Fluttershy is my favorite pony) the Fluttershy/Applejack issue of Friend's Forever, so that could very well propel his work into either the "good" or "bad" category in my mind if I had read it yet.

The art will be handled by Brenda Hickey, who's shaped up to become one of my favorite Pony artists along with Amy Mebberson, though I didn't like her work on issue 12 of Friends Forever (the Pinkie/Twilight issue) as it was so unrestrained and overly cartoony looking, among other things.

So far, two of the cover variations have been revealed, but I would suggest people not get carried away and fall for this obnoxious marketing ploy. The first is done by Tony Fleecs, another respectable artist, though I've noticed when reading comics with his art that he could use some work with the way he draws opened pony jaws, though it's not a big problem with this cover.

The second cover (the subscription one) is drawn by Brenda Hickey herself, and after seeing it, I'm even more excited about how the art on the inside will look.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

"Gift of Maud Pie" Book

We're told that on October 4, 2016 we can expect to see a Maud Pie book released, or more accurately, a book based on the upcoming Season 6 episode "The Gift of Maud Pie". The book, so far titled the similar "My Little Pony: Gift of Maud Pie", will be part of the "Passport to Reading Level 2" series, which to my understanding means it will have a target audience of children ages 4 to 8-years-old / at a grade level of Preschool to third. The book's planned to be a 32 page paperback priced at $3.99 from publisher LB Kids.

The description of the book's plot differs a bit from that of the episode, though it might be the same and merely be revealing different parts. This time, it explains that Maud Pie will sell her stuff in order to buy Pinkie Pie a gift, and that Pinkie Pie does the same for her.