The issue's plot will revolve around Maud and Rarity both going to a gem convention, and will be written by Ted Anderson. As I go back and skim through which issues he's done, I find that though he's never written any of my favorite issues, I don't think he's written any of my least favorites, either. It should be noted that I haven't read a few of his stories yet, particularly (since Fluttershy is my favorite pony) the Fluttershy/Applejack issue of Friend's Forever, so that could very well propel his work into either the "good" or "bad" category in my mind if I had read it yet.
The art will be handled by Brenda Hickey, who's shaped up to become one of my favorite Pony artists along with Amy Mebberson, though I didn't like her work on issue 12 of Friends Forever (the Pinkie/Twilight issue) as it was so unrestrained and overly cartoony looking, among other things.
So far, two of the cover variations have been revealed, but I would suggest people not get carried away and fall for this obnoxious marketing ploy. The first is done by Tony Fleecs, another respectable artist, though I've noticed when reading comics with his art that he could use some work with the way he draws opened pony jaws, though it's not a big problem with this cover.
The second cover (the subscription one) is drawn by Brenda Hickey herself, and after seeing it, I'm even more excited about how the art on the inside will look.
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