Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Little Pony Friends Forever Comic #29

Maud will finally be making a significant appearance in one of the My Little Pony comic books. It'll be the 29th issue of the spinoff series My Little Pony Friends Forever planned for June, in which she shares the starring role along with... of course... Rarity (I've said how much I'm sick of Rarity being everywhere, right? And this is right after learning that Rarity will be one of the stars of the next Maud episode).

The issue's plot will revolve around Maud and Rarity both going to a gem convention, and will be written by Ted Anderson. As I go back and skim through which issues he's done, I find that though he's never written any of my favorite issues, I don't think he's written any of my least favorites, either. It should be noted that I haven't read a few of his stories yet, particularly (since Fluttershy is my favorite pony) the Fluttershy/Applejack issue of Friend's Forever, so that could very well propel his work into either the "good" or "bad" category in my mind if I had read it yet.

The art will be handled by Brenda Hickey, who's shaped up to become one of my favorite Pony artists along with Amy Mebberson, though I didn't like her work on issue 12 of Friends Forever (the Pinkie/Twilight issue) as it was so unrestrained and overly cartoony looking, among other things.

So far, two of the cover variations have been revealed, but I would suggest people not get carried away and fall for this obnoxious marketing ploy. The first is done by Tony Fleecs, another respectable artist, though I've noticed when reading comics with his art that he could use some work with the way he draws opened pony jaws, though it's not a big problem with this cover.

The second cover (the subscription one) is drawn by Brenda Hickey herself, and after seeing it, I'm even more excited about how the art on the inside will look.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

"Gift of Maud Pie" Book

We're told that on October 4, 2016 we can expect to see a Maud Pie book released, or more accurately, a book based on the upcoming Season 6 episode "The Gift of Maud Pie". The book, so far titled the similar "My Little Pony: Gift of Maud Pie", will be part of the "Passport to Reading Level 2" series, which to my understanding means it will have a target audience of children ages 4 to 8-years-old / at a grade level of Preschool to third. The book's planned to be a 32 page paperback priced at $3.99 from publisher LB Kids.

The description of the book's plot differs a bit from that of the episode, though it might be the same and merely be revealing different parts. This time, it explains that Maud Pie will sell her stuff in order to buy Pinkie Pie a gift, and that Pinkie Pie does the same for her.

Maud to be in Episode 120

The third episode of season six of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (episode 120) is slated to be named "The Gift of the Maud Pie", and so it would be mostly safe to guess that Maud will be making an appearance, especially after seeing that teaser picture a little while back. The episode's described as Pinkie Pie and Rarity (ugh, Rarity's hogging up so much of the spotlight in the series) hunting out a gift for Maud, but for what occasion I've yet to hear, along with some other stuff about a new store location for Rarity. April 2, 2016 is the expected airdate for the episode, and then later on, a book of the episode is planned, which I'll make a separate post about very shortly.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Enterplay Card Binder

While browsing around a Toys R Us about a week ago, I found this binder from Enterplay that can hold My Little Pony cards, and even comes with some exclusive ones. After seeing the large amount of cast members on the front, I found it a shame that Maud didn't make the cut -- so I took a look at the back hoping that maybe she was at least there and found that indeed to be the case.

Here's the front:

The back:

And a close-up of Maud, along with Boulder down on the ground to the left:

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Pinkie Pie Row & Ride Swan Boat in Stores

I just saw this at a Target the other day -- the Pinkie Pie Row & Ride Swan Boat that comes with a little paper/cardboard Maud. I've reported about it before, but this is the first time I've actually seen it out. Here's some picture I snapped with my cellphone camera: