Thursday, June 4, 2015

Enterplay Play Mat

For the My Little Pony Collectible Card Game, Enterplay released a 13.5 inches by 24 inches play mat that features Maud reciting poetry at an "Open Mic Poetry Slam". It was apparently available at the Enterplay booth at the 2014 New York Comic Con back in October, and the last I checked, it's also now available through the Enterplay Store website for $20.

The art was done by Deviant Art member "Pixelkitties", who has done other My Little Pony art for Enterplay before. For the most part it's pretty well done, especially the background, but there's several things off in regards to Maud -- she has a buckle on her belt, her mane has too many lines drawn on it, her eyes are positioned poorly, and the back of her mane has what seems to me to be an unnecessary addition.

The art was also used for two cards for The Crystal Games expansion thingy, one being card #112 "Poetry Slam", and the other being its foil version, #f39 "Poetry Slam".

All pictures from this post courtesy of

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