Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Another Season Five Episode?

I've seen it said that Maud will appear in another episode of season five. Whether this is news or just a rumor I can't say, but I'm hoping if it's true it'll be the comeback I've been hoping for since the failure of episode 98. I probably won't investigate into the matter further because I don't like having things in the show spoiled for me, but in case she really does appear again, I'll try to stay optimistic but simultaneously won't get my hopes up.

Update: Aw, man, it seems that the season's going on a hiatus until later this year, maybe around October or November, so we'll have to wait it out. I wish episodes could just be weekly, but there are constantly breaks. It'd be nice if that meant that they were taking their time to polish each episode, but I doubt that's the case -- they're probably just wasting time with that new Equestria Girls movie.

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