Tuesday, November 17, 2015

MLP CCG High Magic

Today the Card Checklist here on the blog is being updated with a new Maud card that's part of Enterplay's new My Little Pony Collectible Card Game expansion-thingy "High Magic". It's card #20 / Maud Pie, Pet Rocks / Friend, which shows both Maud and Boulder at the picnic from the "Maud Pie" episode. It offers some new trivia, saying, "Maud has a whole pile of pet rocks back at home, each with their own name. They inspired Pinkie Pie when she came up with her imaginary friend Rocky." The second part (which refers to the episode "Party of One") reminds me of something else I was thinking of recently and can now connect to this; In the book I just did a review of, it's stated that Pinkie had a pet rock named Rockie -- maybe "Rockie" inspired the creation of "Rocky", and maybe Maud's pets indirectly inspired the creation of Rocky by first inspiring Rockie. Seems plausible.

All pictures from this post courtesy of mlpmerch.com

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