Saturday, April 18, 2015

New Episode Appearance?

I've read elsewhere that Maud will be appearing in at least one Season 5 episode, but I'm trying to avoid spoilers for the series so I'm not going to investigate. If such an episode does indeed get made, I hope they manage to keep her exactly how she is. I don't want to see her be over the top with the rock obsession as some seem to push, and I don't want to see her break character for a "wow" or "funny" moment as often happens on TV etc. I liked the first two episodes of Season 5, and feel like the third might be one of the best ever (which really means something considering it didn't star either of my two favorite ponies Maud or Fluttershy), so there's definitely hope that another Maud appearance could be a good thing, though it's inherently risky with such a quirky, offbeat characterization that was accomplished so well the first time. I'm staying optimistic that she'll survive untarnished, and if that's the case, it really would be fun to see Maud's canon augmented.

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